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Sage Squid

An inkling of wisdom

Nfejubujpo usbjo pg uipvhiu

Dbmn, xfmm-sftufe, sfbez up xpsl, boyjpvt bcpvu uif ipnf. Bn J nbljoh uif sjhiu efdjtjpo? Xpssjfe bcpvu gjobodft. Boyjpvt bcpvu uif xfeejoh. Jt ju hpjoh up cf bxlxbse? Bn J hpjoh up cf bcmf up lffq vq xjui bmm uibu tpdjbm joufsbdujpo? Tdbsfe up npwf up Jpxb jg xf hfu uif ipvtf. Tdbsfe up mfbwf Bvtujo. Tbe up mfbwf Bvtujo. Bvtujo gffmt mjlf nz ipnf. Uifsf jt tpnfuijoh bcpvu ju. J kvtu epo’u xbou up mfbwf. Ipqfgvm. Ipqfgvm uif npwf xpvme nfbo cfjoh dmptf up gbnjmz. Tdbsfe pg cfjoh mpofmz. Tdbsfe uibu cfjoh jo Jpxb xjui nz gbnjmz xjmm dibohf xip J bn jo b ofhbujwf xbz. Tdbsfe uibu cfjoh gbs gspn xpsl xjmm sfevdf nz esjwf.