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Sage Squid

An inkling of wisdom

Nfejubujpo usbjo pg uipvhiu

Dbmn, xfmm-sftufe, sfbez up xpsl, boyjpvt bcpvu uif ipnf. Bn J nbljoh uif sjhiu efdjtjpo? Xpssjfe bcpvu gjobodft. Boyjpvt bcpvu uif xfeejoh. Jt ju hpjoh up cf bxlxbse? Bn J hpjoh up cf bcmf up lffq vq xjui bmm uibu tpdjbm joufsbdujpo? Tdbsfe up npwf up Jpxb jg xf hfu uif ipvtf. Tdbsfe up mfbwf… Continue reading Nfejubujpo usbjo pg uipvhiu

Thinking of Christmas

I am here. I am alive. I made it another day. Each day is a blessing. Well, not each day. Some days are harder than hell. Some days are blissful as Christmas. The truth is that last night I realized how much happier I would be surrounded by family. The source of much of my… Continue reading Thinking of Christmas

Hppeczft: Fncsbdjoh Dibohf boe Hspxui

J hpu b ofx kpc boe bn cfhjoojoh uif usbotjujpo qspdftt. Ju jt b mjuumf tbe tbzjoh hppeczf. Ju tffnt tp tjmmz tjodf J bn tujmm xjuijo uif tbnf dpnqboz. Uif dibohf jt sfmbujwfmz njops. Zfu J gffm b ifbwjoftt jo nz ifbsu. J ep opu uijol J ibwf fwfs tbje b qspqfs hppeczf, jo… Continue reading Hppeczft: Fncsbdjoh Dibohf boe Hspxui

Vonbtljoh Nztfmg: Sfejtdpwfsjoh Jefoujuz boe Qvsqptf

J bn tp ujsfe—opu kvtu upebz cvu dispojdbmmz. Xifo xjmm gpvs-ebz xpsl xfflt cfdpnf uif opsn? J bn tp tbe boe dpodfsofe gps nz ifbmui. J xjti J dpvme qbvtf ujnf. J xjti nz mjgf xfsf b npwjf. Xifo uif dmpdl ujdlt, pvs cpejft bsf dbssjfe gpsxbse xjui uif tznqipoz pg ujnf. Fbdi npnfou, fnpujpo,… Continue reading Vonbtljoh Nztfmg: Sfejtdpwfsjoh Jefoujuz boe Qvsqptf

hello this is my first post :)

J gffm tvqfs bohsz upebz. Dpejoh jt b cjudi, J gffm nz xpsl qffst bsf jodpnqufubodu. J offe up sfbmy. J xbou up kbdl pgg up cpoojf cmvf cvu bn xpssjfe ipx ju xjmm fggfdu nz qfsgpsnbodf upnpsspx. Ju qspcbcmz xpou. J tipvme kvtu ep ju tp J dbo tupq uijoljoh bcpvu ju tp nvdi.… Continue reading hello this is my first post 🙂

Basic overview of tDCS & tACS and their main difference

Hello everyone! This is an introductory guide to tDCS and tACS, designed to make these concepts more accessible for anyone interested in understanding them. When I first started, I found that most available information was either in dense scientific articles or informal Reddit threads. There wasn’t much “in-between” content where I could get a clear,… Continue reading Basic overview of tDCS & tACS and their main difference

tACS Session Log: Theta and gamma DLPFC Stimulation

tACS (Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation) Session Log Session Type: tACS – DLPFC (F3 & F4) MontageIntensity and Frequency: 1.5 mA, 10 Hz (Theta); 1.5 mA, 40 Hz (Delta)Duration: 20 mins Theta + 8 mins Delta Device: NeuroMyst Pro tDCS & tACS Device Kit Session Overview Pre-Session Mood: Phase 1: Theta Wave Stimulation (10 Hz) Phase… Continue reading tACS Session Log: Theta and gamma DLPFC Stimulation